Quiz Generator

Professional Services Firm (Big four)

Reusable code libraries to quickly spin up a new survey or quiz.


We’ve built a few quizzes for this particular client. A while ago we decided to build an engine so we wouldn’t have to start from the ground up whenever we needed to make one. Who says laziness isn’t the mother of all inventions?

Our generator supports multiple types of questions and result types, as well as different layouts and animations.

Our quizzes were used on the client’s .com site (where they were embedded as custom components in the AEM) and on their intranet. Turns out everybody loves quizzes!

Check out these examples:

About the client

One of the "Big Four", a leading professional services networks in the world, this company has offices in more than 150 countries, more than 270,000 people and annual gross revenues of more than US$40 billion. With an extensive online presence, their main global website alone contains more than 50,000 pages.


  • Professional Services Firm (Big four)

Tech stack / Tools

  • Angular
  • HighCharts
  • NodeJS


  • AEM
  • Adobe Analytics

Cloud setup

  • Azure
  • Continuous deployment with GitHub