2fa Mobile App


Multi-platform mobile app build for a secure 2FA application.


ZofToken is a two-factor authentication (2FA) solution, leveraging a mobile app to enroll users to different services and then locking/unlocking sessions.

In this project, the client requested that we propose a navigation flow, and design a UI. The app needed to be as universal as possible, as it is intended for massive distribution.

The last phase of the project was building the mobile app with Xamarin, so we could target all platforms with the same code-base. The development followed strict guidelines to ensure the security of users’ data.

If you’re interested in testing the app, it’s free to download from Google Play and the Apple Store, and you can also set up your own ZofToken service via their SaaS site (which we also helped build).

About the client

ZofToken (www.zoftoken.com) is a high-grade 2FA product, designed to remove the barriers that prevent organizations from offering secure two-factor authentication to every user. Its ease of implementation and access, supported by industry standard cryptographic techniques, offered to the public at marginal low costs, make it a smart choice for companies looking to improve their security.


  • ZofToken

Tech stack / Tools

  • Xamarin


  • Proprietary API

Cloud setup

  • App Center
  • Continuous deployment with Bitbucket