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September 2020

Workfront connector

Professional Services Firm (Big Four)

Project Overview

Our client required advanced, real-time reporting for senior management that exceeded Workfront’s native capabilities. Using Workfront’s webhook and API, we developed a service that optimizes API calls via Redis. This service updates an internal database supporting cross-referenced reports in Power BI and Metabase. The data is stored in an Azure-hosted Microsoft SQL Server.

Beyond reporting, we extended the integration to serve multiple internal systems, including the client’s DAM, streamlining processes across the organization. The solution was built using the NestJS framework for efficiency and scalability.

About the client

One of the "Big Four", a leading professional services networks in the world, this company has offices in more than 150 countries, more than 270,000 people and annual gross revenues of more than US$40 billion. With an extensive online presence, their main global website alone contains more than 50,000 pages.

The challenge

The client needed to keep multiple internal projects synchronized with Workfront in near-real-time, avoiding redundant queries to the Workfront API and implementing custom synchronization logic. The challenge was amplified by frequent saves during project creation, resulting in multiple API calls.

Our approach

To solve this, we implemented a Redis queue to process Workfront updates and creations efficiently, reducing unnecessary calls. Our connector became a unified data access point for various internal projects and dashboards, eliminating the need for direct interactions with Workfront and optimizing performance and costs.

Key features and results

The solution simplified data access for multiple internal systems, avoiding the need for additional third-party connectors. This saved both technical resources and infrastructure costs while enhancing efficiency.

Thechnical stack

The Workfront connector was built using a robust combination of technologies, including Workfront webhooks for real-time updates and Redis to optimize API call efficiency. The backend was developed using the NestJS framework, with data stored in a Microsoft SQL Server hosted on Azure. Power BI and Metabase were used for reporting, providing a comprehensive view of the data. This architecture allowed for seamless integration with other internal systems, including the client’s DAM, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

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