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July 2023

Brand Compliance with an Intuitive Microsoft Office Add-In

Professional Services Firm (Big Four)

Project Overview

Our team at GenuineBee worked with a Big Four professional services firm to develop an add-in for Microsoft Office that helps ensure brand compliance across PowerPoint and Word documents. The add-in, built with the Office JavaScript API library, is designed to analyze documents against a set of evolving rules, highlighting areas that need to be corrected so that they align with the firm's branding guidelines. This solution allowed the firm to significantly reduce the time and effort needed for manual document review, freeing up resources for more creative tasks.

About the client

One of the "Big Four", a leading professional services networks in the world, this company has offices in more than 150 countries, more than 270,000 people and annual gross revenues of more than US$40 billion. With an extensive online presence, their main global website alone contains more than 50,000 pages.

The challenge

The client's primary challenge was the need for an efficient, scalable solution to assess brand compliance across the thousands of slides and pages generated each month. The existing manual process was time-consuming and pulled resources away from more creative and high-value tasks. Furthermore, the guidelines were extensive and frequently updated, requiring a flexible solution that could adapt to evolving requirements.

This project marked an important milestone for both GenuineBee and our client. We delved into the world of Microsoft Office add-ins for the first time and explored the capabilities of the Office JavaScript API library, successfully creating an efficient solution for an ever-evolving challenge.

Our approach

We designed an intuitive user interface that allows the user to analyze documents in their entirety or on a slide-by-slide basis. The interface was carefully designed to harmoniously integrate with the existing Microsoft Office interface while adhering to the client's UI design system.

To handle the complex task of rule execution and document analysis, we developed a scalable rule analysis and execution system, capable of evolving alongside the client's guidelines. This system was designed to process documents locally, providing the necessary speed and performance while overcoming numerous technical challenges.


Our client now has a powerful tool that streamlines their brand compliance process, freeing up their team for more creative endeavors. We're super proud of the solution we've created, and we look forward to seeing how it drives productivity and innovation at the firm. At GenuineBee, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with technology, delivering innovative solutions that meet our clients' unique needs and exceed their expectations.

Key features and results

Our solution is multi-platform, functioning seamlessly on Office 365 for Windows, Mac, and the web. After conducting thorough testing across different devices and user environments, we successfully ensured its usability and compatibility across all platforms.

Initial deployment of the add-in was planned for the dedicated review team, with the future goal of releasing it to the entire firm, potentially reaching up to 60,000 users. This strategy allowed the client to gradually integrate the tool into their operations while ensuring any potential issues are addressed promptly.

Technical stack

The core of our solution leverages the Office JavaScript API library, which is relatively new and still evolving. This project was our first foray into building a Microsoft Office add-in, and it provided a fascinating challenge, requiring us to gain a deep understanding of the library's architecture and capabilities.

We also made extensive use of React in the development of the user interface, enabling us to create a clean and intuitive experience for users.

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